December 16, 2018 to December 16, 2019
Application Dates
Jun 30 to Nov 4 '18
Application Fee
(see prospectus for details)
Notification Date
Dec 6, 2018



National Oil and Acrylic Painters’ Society
"2018 Fall INTERNATIONAL ONLINE Exhibition”

Application Dates: June 30, 2018 to Nov 4, 2018 at midnight Pacific Time

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The National Oil & Acrylic Painters’ Society (NOAPS) invites oil and acrylic painters from all across North America and International Artists to apply to our exhibit honoring the Best in oil and acrylic painting. NOAPS has been showcasing the talents of oil and acrylic painters since 1991.

  • This is an INTERNATIONAL juried online competition open to ALL artists 18 years of age and older working in Oil and ACRYLIC medium. Both members and non-members of NOAPS may apply.
  • 150 Artworks accepted into the show and eligible for awards
  • Current 2018 membership is NOT required before entering the Fall Online International. However, we do welcome your Membership. Click the Membership Link at https://www.noaps.org/join-us

The Online International Awards:

Best of Show: $1000
Second Place: $500
Third Place: $300
Best Landscape:  $100.00
Best Still Life:  $100.00
Best People:  $100.00
Best Use of Light & Color:  $100.00
Most Innovative: $100.00
Narrative Excellence:  $100.00
Ten Non-Monetary: Award of Excellence Certificates.
Ten Non-Monetary: Merit Award Certificates

The TOP 150 artists will be given recognition on www.NOAPS.org with Artist name, artist website link and image selected for this exhibit.

The Awards in the On-Line International Exhibits do not apply towards NOAPS Signature or Master Status. 

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All NOAPS Members and Non-Members. This is an International Show and all countries welcome. 

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All entries will be submitted via Juried Art Services (JAS) www.juriedartservices.com JAS is a free service and provides a comprehensive ‘Help Menu’.  NOAPS is also available to help with procedural problems. 

  • Email: Membership@NOAPS.org for assistance or use the ‘help menu’ on Juried Art Services
  • Digital files should be saved in universal .jpeg format for JAS entry and should be between 1400 pixels and 4000 pixels longest dimension at a resolution of 300PPI (pixels per inch)
  • Please note: After submitting an image(s) and making payment you can still go back to your submission at any time before the submission deadline and change the painting that has been submitted to a different painting.

​T E R M S  a n d  C O N D I T I O N S

  • Art work must be original two dimensional with mediums limited to OIL and ACRYLIC paints
  • Completed in the last three (3) years
  • Artwork previously accepted in any other NOAPS National Exhibit or NOAPS Online International Top 150 is not eligible.  
  • No Minimum or Maximum size
  • NOAPS is dedicated to exhibiting excellent works of fine art which promote the artist’s artistic ability, vision and creativity within the traditional art forms of oil and acrylic painting.  In this respect All artwork should be original and created from conception to completion by the artist. No mixed media, photography, digital and or other media, No painted giclee prints, or any other type of reproductions, no manipulated photos. No artwork copied from other artists work or published photos, or created in an instructional setting are eligible.
  • If you wish to sell the art entered, please price your art consistent with the established value of your work.  Paintings do not have to be for sale.
  • Selected paintings will be showcased on www.NOAPS.org, in the NOAPS Blog, and in NOAPS Social Media.  By entering, entrants are consenting to having a reproduction of their work used for promotion of the exhibit. You are confirming the work entered is your own and copyrighted images incorporated in your work have not been used. 

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  •  Current 2018 NOAPS membership is NOT required. However, we welcome your membership. To Join NOAPS click the link here:  https://www.noaps.org/join-us

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The fee to enter is $30 for the first image and $10 for each additional image UP TO A MAXIMUM OF 5 IMAGES.

  • Example: maximum of five (5) entries= $70 (US Currency)

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Patricia Tribastone


NOAPS Signature Artist


 As a representational artist, Tribastone is known for her colorful still life paintings.  Her calm, peaceful paintings depict everyday objects, things that are overlooked in everyday life.  Her aim is to bring out the beauty of the objects, to paint them with sensitivity so that when observed, the viewer yearns to touch them, to be a part of the world they are looking into. 

Patricia paints in oil and pastel, and is a Master Pastel member of the Pastel Society of America, a Master Circle recipient from the International Association of Pastel Societies, a Signature member of NOAPS, a juried member of the Salmagundi Club of New York City and the International Guild of Realism.  She has won numerous national awards, including Best of Show at the Northeast National Pastel Exhibit (2014), the Diane Bernhard Gold Medal award at the Pastel Society of America (2013) and First Place in the Oil Division at the Hilton Head Biennial (2013).  Her work has been published in several national publications including American Artist Magazine and the Pastel Journal. She serves as a Board Member for NOAPS in the capacity of Blog Director/Publicity Committee.  Patricia has juried exhibitions on both the local and national level.  She currently teaches oil and pastel painting in Canandaigua, NY where she also maintains a gallery/studio.

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Each entry is reviewed and scored by an independent jury panel.  The Jurying panel will consist of a minimum of 5 NOAPS Master Artists or Signature Members.  The panel selects paintings for the exhibit based on the quality and individual mastery of the medium.

IMPORTANT: Jurors in the panel make selections based on the image entered. Make sure the image depicts a true representation of the painting. Images that are not displayed right side up will not be juried. Jurors score the image only and do not see any information about the artist 

S E L E C T I O N   N O T I F I C A T I O N

 Artists selected for the Exhibition will be notified by email from Juried Art Services. An up to date email address is essential for notification.  

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All Selected work (150 paintings) will be posted on www.NOAPS.org to promote sales. Requests relating to artist’s information or sales will be forwarded to the artist. 

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Applications Dates: June 30th 2018 to November 4th 2018 at midnight Pacific Time

Deadline: November 4th 2018                                   Notification: December 6th 2018

Your participation and support of the
is greatly appreciated


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Please email Membership@NOAPS.org 

The National Oil & Acrylic Painter’s Society

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